There are two major credit bureaus in Canada: TransUnion and Equifax
Both offer (I think by law) free credit reports.
What You Need to Order Free Credit Reports in Canada
- A Canadian stamp
- Printer
- 30 minutes of your time
- Access to a phone that can make toll-free calls
- Photocopier (maybe)
- SIN Number (required for phone ordering, optional but recommended for mailed report requests)
- Credit Card (maybe)
Background Information on Free Credit Reports
Keep in mind, it is only the reports that are free, so you won't get your actual credit score, just the credit report. The score doesn't really matter, your score is what it is, the report is the real meat of it and lets you know what you might need to do in order to get your credit score up. How the scores are calculated is a closely guarded secret anyway, so the number of even more useless since it has no widely known meaning.Everyone should get a report at least yearly just to see what's on it. Identity theft is big business these days.
Of course, the Canadian Credit Bureaus, Equifax and Transunion don't make it too easy to get the free credit reports, since they make money by charging you for quick and convenient access to your report online, your credit score and for monitoring. They truly bury the information on their sites, while making the for-pay versions prominent and convenient.
So, this guide will explain everything you need to know to get the FREE CREDIT REPORTS. There are plenty of scams out there, where they give you a free report for the first month, and then start charging you a monthly fee or other junk. So be careful.
The funny thing about the credit bureaus is that it would be cheaper for them to just give free online reports to whomever wants them, but they instead charge you for this convenience, but will mail one out to you for free at their expense. Equifax and Transunion are charging for what costs them nothing, and giving away for free what would make sense for them to charge for.
To get a true impression of your credit status, you should get credit reports from BOTH credit reporting bureaus, as lenders will often just use one or the other.
Free Equifax Credit Reports
Equifax makes it relatively easier to get their credit reports. You just call up their 1-800 number, punch in your info through their automated phone system, and then they mail it out to you in 3-5 days. They also say that the credit report you get will have a telephone number for speaking to a real person if there's an error or dispute in your credit report.To confirm your identity, they do ask for a credit card number. This is a legitimate request, they're not going to charge it, Equifax, as a reporting bureau, knows these numbers, and just verifies your identity with it. They don't ask for the expiration date, because they aren't going to be billing you. Don't use a prepaid card number, as they probably don't have it on file. Perhaps they ask for other information if their systems suggest that you don't even have a credit card, or then you have to mail in a credit report request form.
The number to call is 1-800-465-7166. To save yourself time, for the first 3 prompts, press "1", and when they ask for you to enter your date of birth, it's month/day/year, entered in as 8 digits: MMDDYYYY. Their voice recognition system is awful, so use your keypad to enter everything except your postal code.
When they start blabbing about your credit SCORE being available for $9.95, say "NO" or press "2". You just want your report, who cares about the score.
You can mail in or fax a form instead, but I don't see why you would, unless you want to set up your own credit monitoring system (see the conclusion for more details).
Free TransUnion Credit Reports
TransUnion buries the info for the free profile (or as they confusingly call it, a "consumer disclosure") on their website.Funny, now they have to pay someone to key in all of this data into a computer for your free report, they couldn't just use an online form? Here's the link to the document for the free TransUnion Credit Report. If you're in Quebec, you get to use a special form!
Here are TransUnion's relatively onerous ID requirements (red part copied from their website):
TransUnion also requires both sides of two pieces of photocopied identification from the following list. Together these combined pieces must contain your name, current address, date of birth and signature.
Acceptable primary identification
We require one piece of valid, non-expired Canadian Government issued identification. Examples include:
* Drivers license
* Canadian Passport
* Certificate of Indian Status
* Birth Certificate
* Permanent Resident card
* Citizenship and Immigration form
* Health card (excluding provinces of ON, MB, PEI)
* Old Age Security card
* Department of National Defence card
Additional pieces of acceptable identification
Examples include:
* Utility bill indicating current address (within 60 days of issue)
* Credit card statement indicating current address (within 60 days of issue)
* Signed credit card
* CNIB card
* Social Insurance card
* T4 slip (current tax year)
* Notice of Assessments (current tax year)
* GST/HST Refunds (current tax year)
* Child Tax Benefits (current tax year)
Feel free to stick multiple credit report request applications into the same envelope to save money.
Free Credit Report Requests Canada Conclusion
- You DO NOT need to EVER pay for your personal credit report in Canada.
- Isn't it funny just how difficult one credit reporting agency makes it to get your free credit report, while the other makes the process so easy?
- I really wonder if TransUnion has different "identity verification" requirements when you're willing to fork money over for one of their paid reports
- Set up your own "Do-It-Yourself" credit monitoring: fill out a form, photocopy it 12 times, sign each one, and drop one for each credit reporting agency in a mailbox monthly. Do It Yourself Credit Monitoring for $10/year, not $12.95/month (per bureau)
- Think you have a good no annual fee credit card from your bank? Look into the MBNA Smart Cash and surprise yourself at how good a no annual fee card can actually be.
- Need a credit card, but can't qualify? Check out my report on the Top 5 Prepaid Visas and Mastercards in Canada.
- Information on Secured Credit Cards in Canada
Denied Credit? TransUnion says you're entitled to talk to them
Here's an interesting tidbit, of course buried in TransUnion's website:"If you have had an application denied within the last 60 days and a TransUnion credit report was used in the decision process, you are entitled to discuss your credit file with a TransUnion associate, by dialing 1-800-663-9980. Residents of Quebec, please contact 1-877-713-3393."
Equifax has the same service if you call 1-800-465-7166 and go through the prompts.
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I thought I was the only one
I easily ordered the free credit report from Equifax. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Transunion. I tried twice to order my free credit report over the phone from Transunion. It did not work. If I verify my address, date of birth, and SIN, that should be enough to send my free credit report to the address on their file. I sent in information in the mail to get it and I get something from them stating I did not give them photocopies of 2 pieces of ID. What they required on their website was a different list than what was sent back to me in the mail. On their website it mentioned nothing about certain papers being dated within 60 days or I would not have sent them. So I wasted the postage. I wanted to contact them by e mail to explain things and there is no way to do it. They are incompetent. They should close up.
Thank you so much Dan! I hope
Thank you so much Dan! I hope TransUnion can have the same simple phone credit report inquiry as Equifax.
Visa Debit
The shopping channel in canada has been declining my visa debit from TD.
I've found I cannot use my
I've found I cannot use my Visa debit card with Virgin either. It has something to do with their systems not being set up to accept Visa's new requirements for online payments. You can enter the 3 digit verification code on the website but their computer systems cant verify it yet...not sure if the shopping channel has the same type of system?
credit score
Do these "Free Credit Reports" give the actual score as a 3 digits number ?
If I were to bring one of these Canadian report to a US bank... would they be able to have clear understanding if I have great or poor credit ?
Also Equifax vs TransUnion, which is more complete... or do they contain the same info ?
These reports don't give you
These reports don't give you the 3 digit number, you usually have to pay for that one (or know someone inside a credit-granting institution).
I would think that an American banker should be able to understand its contents, although I'll bet the 3 digit number calculation is different between Canada and the US.
I'm not sure which would be more complete, just get both.
Credit Card Required?
I'm sort of a new comer to Toronto at least in the financial sense so I'm curious what information you need to give them over the phone? i'm trying to get my report because i was turned down for a credit card. It's been a few months so I think I'm outside the "call us to find out why" period.
That's it two questions what info you have to give n the phone and should I even bother calling them directly without a CC ever in Canada.
Try calling the credit
Try calling the credit bureaus at the above numbers and see what the automated response is.
You can also contact the bank that you applied for a credit card for, and politely inquire as to the reason for the turn-down, and from that you can investigate what you have to do. Chances are, if it has been a few months, their file may still be open, or at least they would have noted why they refused you. Canadian banks likely keep records on this type of thing in case you apply again (or inquire).
Which credit card, and through who, did you try applying for?
Transunion phone number to real person?
I received a reply to my credit report request from Transunion saying that my ID provided did not meet their criteria. I believe I did provide the required ID but would like to speak to someone at Transunion to find out exactly what did not meet their criteria so I can resolve the issue. Do you know of a Transunion phone number to a real person who can help? The number 800 663 9980 seems to be automated only.
It would probably just be
It would probably just be easiest to reply with the required ID again, even if it shouldn't be that way. I figure it would be an uphill battle to find someone to talk to, and there's a good chance they'll just tell you the same thing they said in their mailed reply to you.
I thank you so much, you save me money today cause I was going to buy that credit score thing from one of them and change my mind when I read your blog I decided to go to Equifax and transUnion in person I live in a close distance so I drove and I was on fire ready to insult and blast them with words, but when I got to their office they were helpful and they told me the reason I was denied a credit card all the time... I had a fraud alert in my file with a bank that I never had any delings with. I wrote a letter and signed it on the spot to ask them to remove the alert and eveything was solve with out paying them a dime for what they advertising on their website. I live in Montreal so I had the two credit bureaus at my reach. I will suggest any one that doesn't have major issues with their credit profile to go in person like I did. Thanks again Dan Matan for all the info you provided here.
One more thing make sure you fill out their credit report form available on their website before going there and bring any pieces of IDs in my case I show my driver's license and my health card or any of them one they asking on their website when sending your credit report by mail.
Thank you! Great Information!
Thank you! Great Information!
Thanks soooo much for this info :) I literally just got off the phone within 2 minutes, and my report is on its way!!
I finally will get to see wtf is going on for FREEEEEE :p
credit report
thanks so much , eqifax credit repirt sent in 5 minutes, received in 4 days (:
Obtaining credit report
I love you, Dan. In less than ten minutes you've demystified this huge mystery.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Thank you... I've been meaning to mail in the forms for such a long time, and by calling I was done in about 5 minutes!
You are the best!!!
Thank you very much for all this amazing info, i think i rather pay you the money then these turds for all your free advice! lol Anyways thank you again!
One Online Reporting Experience
After I read all the information, since I believed that I had to get it asap, I still wanted to access the report online and pay for it.
First i tried Equifax, fill in all information, including credit card for payment (first one and have it 12 years from the same bank), then they wanted to verify if I am the right person. All the verification questions had no relation with me what so ever, in fact totally wrong, did not know what to answer. So I gave up, but thankfully they did not charge anything.
As next step, tried Transunion. Same info, sin number, credit card number etc. 2,3 verification questions were correct but related with accounts from years ago which I canceled or did not care anymore, and don't have any clue what those account numbers were. Somehow they have no information about my primary credit card.
As a result, I wasted 15 bucks very quickly, get no result. Just an information for those who wants to try online reporting. :-(
free credit report
thanks a lot for your instructions. I did call according to your instructions and it is exact!
when I "googled" "free credit report" I only came up with this $14.99 or whatever it is to pay every month and a 30 day FREE trial! when the canadian law says that we can get twice a year our free credit report, they show us through the internet search that the free credit report means only 30 days free! what a junk!
Thank you so much, Dan!
Thanks so much for this post... I was having a heck of a time finding the free credit report parts. I may still purchase my scores, but at least I've got the reports coming in free.
thank-you ever so much for
thank-you ever so much for taking the time to help all of us needing assistance navigating this system refreshing to see people are here to Help...for Free...without asking for, or expecting anything in return. Thank-you again :)
Still waiting to speak to a
Still waiting to speak to a human at "EQUINOX"? Is their automated phone system deplorable? Sheesh, try Equifax next time Carol.
Nice to see some straight advice on free credit checks. Googlng such a thing wouldn't reveal anything useful. Really appreciate you taking the time to right this up. I just sent in my faxed request.
Thanks very much for posting
Thanks very much for posting such valuable information!
I was becoming increasingly frustrated -- knowing I somehow could get a report for free but unable to find the website link (with either of the two companies) to request it. Your help is greatly appreciated!! There is such a need for your type of assistance. BRAVO!!
Awesome job Dan! Your whole website is an endless source of financial information.
Thanks for also including Quebec's procedures in your pages!
Keep up the good work!!
Thank you Dan! "I really
Thank you Dan!
"I really appreciate the time that you expend creating this."
+1 JR comment
Thank you
Thank you for the information. I really appreciate the time that you expend creating this.
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