How To Tell Which Provider A Cell Phone Belongs To

Wondering which company a cell phone number belongs to?

Wondering whether a phone number is a cell phone number, or a landline?

Wondering if a phone number would be long distance or not from where you live?

Check out TelcoData.US

Say a friend's phone number is 905-123-xxxx, you can punch this into TelcoData.US

welcome to our website , we

welcome to our website , we are sms provider in saudi arabia you can visit us

welcome to our website , we

welcome to our website , we are sms provider in saudi arabia you can visit us

Hi, I need to send sms from

Hi, I need to send sms from my computer to a "x" number, but whathever page ask me what´s the company provider, how can I know??

With the advent of number

With the advent of number portability this tool can no longer be relied on to determine which provider a phone number belongs to. While 416-999-xxxx may belong to Telus, my cell number within that range is currently with Bell.

This is true, but

This is true, but 99.something% of the time it will give an accurate answer. Most people don't shop around and just renew with their previous carrier when it comes to renew (especially if their existing plan is actually good). I do wonder if numbers fall back to their previous provider if an account becomes defunct.

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