Sunday: Back to Work Legislation Passed. Everything "should" be up and running for Monday April 28, 2008.
Saturday 6:15PM: Toronto Star Reports that talks between TTC and the Union have ended without an agreement. Strike to continue until at least Sunday night for sure.
Update: Provincial Legislature to sit in special session on Sunday, April 27th at 1:30PM to table/vote on Back to Work Legislation. Looks like the ALL 3 parties are now on-board for passing it, and it will be similar to the previously successful Garbage Strike back to work legislation passed a few years ago. Talks are supposed to continue today (Saturday, April 26th), but we'll see how those go. Since the TTC's head Adam Giambrone stated that there is "no more money" on the table , I predict this will at the minimum last until Sunday night, hard to say what will happen Monday April 28th, especially if not everyone decides to show up to work or works-to-rule.
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~10:30PM Friday: Looks like both the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star are reporting that the TTC is to go on strike, with ~50 minutes notice on their website, despite past assurances that the public would be given 48 hours notice. Update: I guess they're counting their 48 hour's notice from last weekend as their notice.
Which is odd, since the TTC's definition of a "day" changes at 4am the last that I heard.
According to the Toronto Star, Union Members were told by electronic message, probably some time before 10PM and midnight April 25th to not show up for their shifts starting at midnight. So, I'm not sure what happens for shifts that might already be in progress. Update: Looks like they discontinued all services at midnight.
Most newspapers have the story on their front page, and I would expect them to for the next couple days, especially the Toronto Star , since it is a local newspaper.
Here is the Globeandmail 's Article:
The Torontostar 's Article:
National Post Article: Union says no deal, TTC strike to begin at midnight
Google News Search Results for "TTC Strike"
(This gives a new set of results, sorted by relevance every 15 minutes)
TTC Website:
TTC Union Website:
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 (turn your computer's volume down before going to this one...)
In other news, bike sales have skyrocketed, and cab drivers are more respected than ever.
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