Want to buy: Credit Union Investment Shares (Series A, B, C, etc) & Special Shares

I am looking to purchase credit union investment shares in Canada.

As I understand, there is no market for these shares and they can therefore be difficult to sell on demand, so if you have them and would like to sell, I am open to considering purchasing them at an agreeable price. For various reasons, one may own credit union Investment Shares, and need to off-load them, perhaps to settle an estate, distress, or to re-diversify one's investment holdings (as examples). 

There are a number of sellers of such shares: First Ontario Credit Union, Teachers Credit Union and Alterna (through Metro CU and CS COOP Credit Union). 

Generally, I am looking to purchase these at below par, but that all depends on their value.

I am not looking at purchasing Membership shares, are these are generally not transferrable.

Please contact me directly if interested, rather than posting a comment.